B12 shots

An injection of energy

Vitamin B12 is essential for the human body. Its multiple functions make it an essential element for the body to do its functions properly. Although we have reserves of this vitamin, it is likely that some situations reduce its availability. Poor nutrition or stressful situations do not let us use it.

Although there are infusion therapies of vitamin B12, the shots provide a different availability of the substance. While the infusions give the body an immediate dose, the injections allow establishing a deposit that will be released progressive.

Fatigue reduction
Boosts the immune system
Replacement of levels lost due to the consumption of alcohol
Improving the functioning of the nervous system

Where can you get the B12 shots?

At Long Life Clinic, we administer B12 Shots therapy. In the initial consultation, Dr Garant will create a treatment plan to guide you in the use and application of injections.