Benefits of Vitamin C for prostate

The vitamin C for prostate, is ideal; because help to mantain its stability and correct functions, while It eliminate the toxins present in the bloodstream, and increasing the defenses of the inmune system, to block the activation of malignant cells.

likewise; Protects it you of degenerations; Thanks to its antioxidant content, and prevents the damage of free radicals, as well as irritation, burning and irregularities in the urinary flow.

However, these are not the only benefits you provide for your well-being, because it also intervenes as follows:

Decreases fluid retention

One of the main benefits of vitamin C to care for the prostate, is that can decreases the fluid retained in the urinary tract; helping it  be excreted without pain and bleeding, at the same time that avoidings an inflammation in it, produced, not only for infections but also its enlargement.

Besides, it causes constant discomforts, that affects even the way of walking in men.

Avoids Benign Hyperplasia

Thanks to its antioxidant action; Vitamin C to combat hyperplasia in the prostate is ideal because it helps to regulate the growth of it with the avance to age , withouth aren’t affected the various organs around it, because if so, the main affected would be the urethra, causing kidney problems, and as well stones or pain when urinating.

because of this, it’s recommended  be constantly ingested in patients 45 and 50 years of age, due they’re prone to their recreation in 65 and 80%.

Controls prostatitis

Another of the great actions of this vitamin, is that it controls prostatiasis; Be it acute, bacterial, chronic and asymptomatic, because it completely reduces the bacteria housed in it, while eliminating toxins and releasing the retained fluids, at the same time that reduces any inflammation, and works in the preventing a serious infections.

Apart from this, it helps to prevent the deterioration of the bladder; And pelvic pains, which occur as a consequence of such diagnosis.

Cures urethritis

Although urethritis, is generated by sexual transmission; It also ends up affecting the prostate, therefore; It is recommended to ingest vitamin C for its treatment, in order to reduce gradually the present infection;  as well as prevent its deterioration, and protect the tissues, cells or veins that are around.

Combats joint pain

Certainly sounds incredible,but the joint pain can be caused by complications in the prostate, especially when there is inflammation in it, because it causes fluid retention and a blood pressure that atrophies and damages the tissue.

So, the best thing to combat them is to ingest it constantly; Through vitamin supplements, vegetables, vegetables, fruits and meats.

How many miligrams vitamin C for prostate health can be taken?

Generally, it is recommended to ingest about 500 or 800 milligrams of vitamin C per day to keep the body stable. However, in the treatment of prostate, everything depends on the doctor’s instructions, because according to the degree of infection, inflammation or enlargement, Will define whether it is potent or light the way in which it must be treat.

can use the intravenous vitamin C for prostate care?

Because of the effective treatment of intravenous vitamin C, it’s ideal to combat infections in the prostate, and in turn take care of it. Therefore, if you don’t want to ingest it steadily, you can opt for this option.


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